Musical Memory

Chateau dUsse
Chateau d'Usse

Now this is stunning!

Ms Pandey has recently turned into something of a Disney movie fan. Not the recent Pixar stuff, but old time classics such as Pinocchio, Robin Hood, Sleeping Beauty etc. And she cannot sit through whole movies yet, but the length of the snippets she can watch are definitely bloating in size. Around 4 months ago, Ms Pandey had watched her then favorite one – Sleeping Beauty – on You Tube. That movie has since been usurped by the likes of Peter Pan and Pinocchio.

Due to the recent visit to Chateau d’Usse (the “real Aurora Castle” as it is now known), Dad bought her a CD of Tchaikovsky’s ballet this last weekend. Today, Dad was sampling the CD and pointed out to Ms Pandey that there was a passage in the ballet called Puss in Boots, named after yet another Charles Perrault story. Curious to hear this one, Ms Pandey huddled close to Dad.

As soon as the first few bars had begun playing, Ms Pandey jumped up and exclaimed “Dad! This is the same tune as the one in the Sleeping Beauty in You Tube!”

Dad: “Really?”

“Yes, when Aurora goes up the tower, guided by Maleficent, and touches the spindle! It goes just like this!”

Dad: “Oh!” (Thinking it may be a similar tune with a similar structure).

As the tune progresses, Anika exclaims – “And this one is played when the three fairies are flying after Aurora to stop her!”

Boy, this felt uncanny. Was it true that she remembered this passage from a small segment of the movie that she had watched 4 months ago?

Dad plops You Tube on his laptop and searches for the segment in question, and voila! Puss-in-boots starts humming through the laptop speakers!

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