Guilty as charged


Daddy was late for office the day Ms. Pandey was about to have her Christmas party.

The party had been a much awaited event for Ms. Pandey – she had been rehearsing carols for quite some time now and was very excited about all the singing and dancing that had been planned. Of course, Daddy and Mama were cordially invited to the event.

So, while brushing her teeth on that eventful day, Ms. Pandey quietly asks Mama: “Mama, will you be there at my party?”

Mama: “Of course darling. I will come to your classroom!”

Anika: “And Daddy?”

Mama, giving a you-are-already-late-so-please-be-at-her-party-today look to Daddy: “Of course, Daddy will be there too.”

Anika, all happy and excited, gets dressed up for the event and leaves for school.

Daddy, in the meantime, realizes that he is horribly late, and not leaving now (12:30pm) would mean a de facto day off, and so rushes off to work, thinking Ms. Pandey would forget such a trifle.

Evening rolls around, Daddy is back home and Anika, Mama and Sheru (Pumpi) are playing happily in the Music (Micki) Room. No complaints so far. Dinner time, playing time, story time, dressing-up-for-bed time – and no complaints yet. Brushing done, pee-pee done, pullups on the hips – nothing yet.

Then Daddy picks up Anika and takes her into her room, planting a kiss on her cheek. Anika basks in the first quiet time she has had with Daddy since morning, and softly purrs:

“Daddy, you did not come to my party.”

Daddy turns speechless. The sinking feeling in Daddy’s heart was unbearable.

“Jubilee’s Dad was there, and so was Preethi’s Dad.”

Daddy gathers up the courage and replies – “Anika, Daddy will not miss your next party, come what may.”

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