School Time for Dada


Anika: Dada?
Dada: Yes Princess?
Anika: Come on. Let us go. It is time for school.

Anika and Dada walk into Anika’s room. Dada sits on the floor, while Miss Anika takes her spot near the wall-hung blackboard, if it is an Alphabet day. If it is a Drawing day (the current favorite subject), then Miss Anika sits on her red IKEA chair.

Anika: First let us state our pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Dada is an Indian citizen while Miss Anika is American. Dada takes the pledge anyway, for fear of getting kicked out of school.

Anika: Okay, now let us take our sheets and draw a happy face.

Anika takes her time to draw a happy face. Dada starts drawing too and gets shouted at for not paying attention and not following orders. There is a lot of angry shouting followed by:

Anika: You need a timeout – go outside the classroom and do some thinking.

Dada follows orders and sits outside Anika’s room, asking permission to come into the classroom every few seconds. There is a lot of angry shouting again and then, finally, Dada is allowed in. Sometimes, Miss Anika has the urge for pee-pee, and after the act, surprise of surprises, Miss Sharmila emerges from the pee-pee room instead.

Anika: (or Miss Sharmila) Don’t be naughty like Debanshu. Pay attention from now on.

Anika then completes her happy face drawing. It is a somewhat wobbly oval with star-like eyes and eyelashes, a broken nose, and a very crooked smile.

Anika: Okay, now your turn.

Dada draws a perfect circle with perfect eyes and eye lashes, a round nose and a happy smile.

Dada: Princess, sorry, Miss Anika, is this good?
Anika: (in a sinister singing tone) Dada, you are not following directions! Look at what I have drawn.

Dada re-draws the happy face just like Anika’s, with the broken nose and the crooked smile.

Anika: This is excellent! You are the best student in the class! You can now be promoted as the Teacher’s Helper!

Dada gets a “star” and a sticker on his drawing. Mama calls out for dinner. Three Minutes! screams Anika, and school time is over.

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