

Happy First Birthday, Anika! To celebrate this milestone, the three of us decided to brave the wintry Pacific winds and head down to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Since Anika had been really curious about haathi (elephants), bow-bow (dogs) and such, we had thought about visiting the zoo. But the incessant Northern California rains dashed any hopes of an outdoor event. The Aquarium was a fascinating experience for our year-old princess. We tried to teach her that these animated objects were called Fish or Nemo (since Nemo was easier to speak), but to no success (see next post). While returning, Rachna bagged some Lemon-Lays from the gas station. While we were happily munching handfuls, we decided to provide a little taste to Ms. Pandey. A smack here, a clucking of the tongue there, some drool, and the chip vanished.. And then there was this loud request from Ms. Pandey: Num! Num! We thought that she was simply mumbling.. but a few seconds later.. Num! Num!, Num! Num! Ms. Pandey had loved the Lays and wanted more. And to this day (Feb, 2006), Ms. Pandey points to stuff she likes or would like to eat and utters Num! Num!

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