Tough Problem

After school, as kids wait in the large hall for pickups at Stratford Elementary, there is a policy of reduced rowdiness that the teachers like to enforce. This is done by separating the pairs of kids who sit together and start jabbering, and then re-assigning them to other kids’ tables. Our very own Dumps, apparently…

Growing up

While looking at their cousin Tashu (aka Puka) – a 2 year old – getting ready in a full Tux for his 2nd birthday, complete with black shoes and a bow-tie, Anika couldn’t resist but comment – “Dad, you see him – a 2 year old, wearing a full suit. And then we have Dumps,…

Redefining Pessimism

Anika: “Hey Dad, you know in Instagram there is meme with a glass half full, and a list of people and how hey would see it.” Dad: “Like what?” Anika: “Like, an optimist sees it half full, a dreamer sees it with water above the air, a scientist will see it with half air and…

Equal Rights Tiffany

While passing by the Tiffany store in Valley Fair mall, Mommy decided to narrate the endearingly beautiful and full of life and love story that is Breakfast at Tiffany’s to the kids. Anika was immersed into it, while Dumps, as curious, went on asking questions at every pause. When it came to not being able…

Carbon Copy

Well, Mr. Dumps hates writing. Anything in the world is better than writing. Even writing down two letter words or a few numbers is Mission Impossible. “They tell us to write cursive, then they tell us to print, and then finally type it in, when it will all be Hey Google anyway.” Fair points. So…

Build the Nuke

While roaming on a pebble beach in the paradise that is Sveti Stefan in Montenegro, Dumps is suddenly feeling the withdrawal symptoms from Minecraft pretty bad. Dumps: Dad, do you know how to build a nuke in Minecraft? Dad: No clue. How? Dumps: Please write it down, so I can show you when we get…

Not just another one, turns three!

  August 3rd, 2008, 11:30 p.m., a baby just born, a couple of hours back, was well fed, sent to the baby nursery in the hope to catch some sleep, when the exhausted parents heard a knock at their door. The baby was back in merely 10 minutes, with a pacifier stuck in his mouth…