Crying, screaming, shouting – all translate to crying for Dumps.
Usually applicable to his i-am-always-unhappy-when-i-have-to-do-something-important little sister, Dumps always exclaims “Ta-ta crying” whenever such an episode is underway. Her hair being combed, glass of milk in front of her, or nightly brushing time, and we would hear Dumps state “Ta-ta crying, mmm, mmmm, mmm”. He gets uneasy and fidgety too.
Last night, Dad got mighty angry on Dumps. He must be up to something – throwing Dad’s CDs around, or jumping on his guitar – blissfully unaware of all warnings that Dad must have sent his way.
There was some screaming and shouting from Dad.
There was some hugging of Dad’s leg and innocent smiles to test Dad.
Dad didn’t show a single bit of sympathy.
Dumps runs to Mama: “Daddy crying!”
Mama: “Daddy crying??!”
Dumps: “Daddy crying. Roooaaaargh! Roooaaaaaargh!”