On-demand pee-pee


Daddy has been religiously taking Anika to the bathroom for a mid-slumber pee-pee session, not wanting a fiasco, especially given the freezing temperatures outside.

Ms. Pandey, on the other hand, has been waking up every morning around 4am, walking over and then quietly slipping beside a grotesquely snoring Daddy. Perhaps it’s the nightmares – Mama and Daddy have heard accounts of dragons breathing down Anika’s puny work desk, and the mighty Californian earthquake rattling off the bookshelves. Perhaps its just the age.

Whatever the reason, this actions ends up disturbing Ms Pandey’s sleep cycle, but more importantly, end’s up ruffling Dad’s slumber comfort. So we told Anika that Daddy would get her over to his bed right after her mid-slumber pee-pee session.

Ah the excitement! The joy!
The impatience!

Anika: “Daddy, tonight I feel that my pee-pee will happen earlier. Not the regular time that you come by. But much earlier! Please take me to pee-pee earlier.”

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